Thursday, May 28, 2009

The First Day On Internship

I am having my internship in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).
11 May 2009 was the first day I start my internship. My supervisor is Dr Alexander Chong. He is a excellent and nice lecturer. Dr Alexander is specific on Zebrafish developmental stage and expression of particular genes. Very interesting !!
On that day, he asked me to meet him 11am at bio-school, USM.

That morning, i reach bio-school before the appointment time - around 11.00am. Since it was still early, i have a chance to take a walk to look around the surrounding and try to look for my supervisor room and lab. USM is not as big as i imagine. But if compare to UNIMAS, USM have more specification field than UNIMAS. I found parasitology lab, genomic lab, tissue culture lab, entomology lab, and etc.

Amongs those, that i found interesting is the entomology lab, inside the lab, there are research on Plasmodium sp. Mosquito. I saw the researchers, culture mosquito larvae, and adult mosquito too. I wonder how they do that. If accidentally released the adults mosquito from the containers, the whole lab will be contain with mosquito that spread malaria and all the lab member will be infected.

After i walk around, i went to visit my other coursemates working lab. Mostly, they have nothing to do since the whole morning. Their supervisor just asked them to read a lot of journal.
Around 12.30 pm, my supervisor is free, he managed to meet already. ( Haha!! He is such a busy guy, only available to meet after 1 hours from the appointment )

He brought me to his office. Wah, His office is very messy, full with aquarium. Later, he went into the lab to introduced me to 1 of the Master Student whom was also graduate from UNIMAS bResource Biotechnology too. His name is Kah Loon, my direct senior... Kah Loon now is doing research on the gene expression of Iclp 1 and Iclp2 into zebrafish whole-mount in situ hybridization. At first, he introduced me to all the member of the lab. ( Gosh!! The world is really so small, i met 2 of my secondary old friends there.)

After this, we went to lunch together with others master and Phd students. After coming back from the lunch, Kah Loon briefed me about functions and usability of instrumental in the lab. They have different kinds of freezer, gel electrophoresis, spectrophotometer, trans-illuminator, incubator, water bath, In-situ Hybridization Incubator, thermol-cycler,autocave machine, shaker, and etc.

Although the lab is completed with all basic instrumental, but there is a bit of space constrain. Too pack already, even done have enough working place, all the Master Student also done have their own personal place. Even at the Corridor there, also full with machine. Blocking the path....
That is the only things that worse than UNIMAS. Air -cond also not cool enough. Sometimes, power supply also lacking.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


青山岩非常的靠近Kampung Bako, 从那里到青山岩只需要5 -10 分钟路途。。。 是一间佛寺来的。。。 风景很美。。 我们那天在到码头做船到Bako 之前, 就去了这个佛寺求个平安。。

哈哈!! 看我变身!! 千手观音上身咯!!



Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bako 之旅

这旅程真的是非常非常爽, 非常非常的开心。。。 不知道为什么, 也许刚考试了,什么压力都没有了,大家都可以尽情的享受大自然。。。

Taman Negara Bako是一个在Kuching, Sarawak 历史悠久的国家森林保护区。 里面常有很多很多各式各类flora and fauna。。 其中可以看到最稀奇,罕见的动物有: 长臂猴,有胡须的野猪, 松鼠, 猴子,四脚蛇,各种各样的草本植物。 如果喜欢大自然生态的人就会非常的开心。。。

凌晨5点多左右,可以看看漂亮的日出, 听听小鸟的鸣叫声, 吱吱喳喳的, 非常的悦耳, 动听!!晚间,可以听见不同的昆虫的叫声。。听听海浪波涛汹涌的在怒吼。。 也可以吹吹清凉的海风。。。

去Bako National Park必须乘坐一艘中型的motor boat 从 Kampung Bako 出发。 旅程大约20 - 30 mins.

我跟我的女朋友在乘船的时候拍的。。。。 嘻嘻,被海风吹得一头散发。。当时我们在烈日之下,搭了一艘没顶的船。。。晒到挣不开眼睛。。。

喔!! 终于到了!! Bako National Park 我们来也!!

胡须的野猪出现了!! 来, 一张合照!!

你们有看过一只实魂的野猪在海边散布吗?? 在Bako 你们就可以看到!! 这只野猪好像失恋了,在海边散心!! 野猪啊, 你可千万别想不开啊!
哎呀, 天涯无处无芳草!!

调皮的长臂猴,不肯面对镜头, 躲在树叶!!

我,我的女友及她的朋友在沼泽林附近合照。。。 我们都准备去爬山了。。。

沼泽林!! 海水涨的时候!!

爬山咯!! 你看, 好多树根喔!!


我们爬山爬到一半,忽然下起雨来!! 大家都穿着雨衣爬着下来!! 回到宿舍,大家的衣服,裤子,鞋子都湿了!!

结果,大家都忙着把湿湿的雨衣在梁上晒!! 在一旁,也在晒鞋子!!

这是我们晚间跟着一团人去jungle trekking!! 导游发现一只有毒的青蛇在树上!! 据说, 这只蛇都是晚间才活动,都有很强的thermal receptor。。。 就是利用这个receptor 来扑捉猎物, 如: 鸟类!!

小强!! 你这么出现在这里???

哇!! 好大只的竹节虫!!

好大的一只蜘蛛!! 有毒的!! 各位,如果你们被咬, 一定变成蜘蛛人了!! 哈哈!!




请仔细看看!! 你们会发现一只啄木鸟在树上!! ( 不好意思, 没钱买比较好的相机, 所以素质是这样的啦!!)

终于爬到山顶了!!攀山成功!! 累死了!!

到一个无尺劲的地方!! 带你到永生之道

看看我的朋友!! 好忧郁喔!! 见不得光!! 嘻嘻!

人家说, 新加坡有 Merlion 的山石, Sarawak 也有!! 这是一个被海水侵袭形成的!!

你们从侧面看过去, 是不是像一个人像呢?? 仔细看看!! 右边侧边看去喔!! 有耐心的人一定看得到!!

嘻嘻!! 看过了这些照片是不是对Bako National Park 有兴趣?? 不妨到那边看看!! 包你去了还要再去!! 你会留下非常难忘的回忆!! 没骗你的啦!!