Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Official Visiting of TengKu Mahkota Johor To UNIMAS

This Monday ( 29/07/2009).... There is an official visiting by Tengku Mahkota Johor to UNIMAS around 2.30pm.... All the classes have been cancelled on that day..... Hooray....
(Becoz every lecturers need to go to give the warmest welcome to Yang Maha Mulia Tengku Mahkota Johor)..... So tua pai....

He is accompany by a group of policemen.... Plenty of Police superbikes parks at Rumah Universiti UNIMAS.

According one of my friend, she told me that Tengku Mahkota is riding a orange superbike... Tengku Mahkota wearing so usual.... Just wearing a branded T-shirt and Jeans....

Wah.... B&W 5 series.... Tengku Mahkota Personal Car.....

All the Tengku Mahkota 'Admires' queue up under the hot sun in order just to minta salam from Tengku Mahkota..... Haiz... Don know wat to say la... If to me, I won sacrifices myself to burn under the hot sun.... LATER i will become 'BABI BAKAR' - hahaha...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Frustrated!! Grr...

This morning I was really really annoyed with the lousy system and poor serving of the librarian officer....

My laptop adaptor broke out recently and i have no choice to come on CAIS (library name) for completing my assignment and proposal... I need to use the desktop at the computer lab and open lab in CAIS... After i searching for about 15 mins, I cant even get a desktop to use.... Some don have electrical supply... Some cant access to the internet... Grr.... So frustrated....

Then, I go to approach the librarian at the counter... He is so lazy and he said later they will check... LATER!! How long they only wanna to check??? 15 min later?? 30 mins later?? 1 hrs later??? So sien with them... I have no choice... I contact my housemate, Steven to borrow laptop from him.... Luckily he is not using because he is having orientation activities with the juniors.... Oh... Thanks God...

But i still need to walk a long distance back to my hostel, unpacked and repacked my things and come to CAIS again.... The weather is damp hot .... Nearly become " roasted pig"...

Haiz... It is so troublesome by not using own laptop... ( Have own laptop but cant use it)... I hope that my new adapter will reach as soon as possible...

My New Room

This semester school reopening, I had been changed my room from double to single room... Single room is much bigger compare to double room.... I have more space to allocate my messy things... Haha!!

This is a small corner after opening the door...

This is my bed and cupboard...

My study table... Extremely large.. But all have been fully occupied with my things...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hot News!! Water Tower Get 'Bomb"

Yesterday morning, about 10am (not sure) Infinity FX at UNIMAS water towel is on fire.... The cause was believed came from the electrical short circuit... It was the overusage of electrical by the refrigerators... I am so pity for tauke... Luckily no one was get hurt upon this incident....


Hopefully, INFINITY FX will reopen soon.... I so miss their Mee Hong Kong... Their foods is extremely delicious...
I wan to eat mee Hong Kong from INFINITY FX!! Uncle, quickly reopen to do business again to cover up your loss from this incident....

世界音乐节 Rainforest World Musical Festival

2009 年7 月10日- 2009 年7 月12日, 一连三天在砂拉越州举办了一年一度的世界音乐演奏会。。。 是一项盛大的庆典。。。 来自世界各地的音乐家都会聚集在文化村 ( Cultural Village), 大展拳脚。。。 除了本土的音乐家外,还有来自智利 ( Chile ), 加拿大/中国 ( Canada/China ), 匈牙利( Hungary ), 法国( France ), 韩国 ( Korea ),美国 ( US ),芬兰 ( Finland),纽西兰 ( New Zealand ), 波兰 ( Poland ),葡萄牙 ( Portugal ), 印尼 ( Indonesia )及坦扎尼亚 ( Tanzania )等国家。。。他们都呈现了他们国家的文化, 音乐。。。 非常非常韵人乐声!!

2009/7/10 - 2009/7/12, 3 days continuously at Sarawak Cultural Village held the Rainforest World Musical Festival.... It is an big occasion... There are Musician/ Performers came from different countries besides local musician...

虽然最近受到流感的侵袭, 但是, 此活动的热点不减,人潮很多。。。 门票也很快就卖完了!!
Although, recently there was an outbreak of H1N1 in Sarawak, but this festival was crowded with full mountain of people.. None of them was afraid to get infected with H1N1 disease...

我也趁我最后一年在砂拉越就读, 跟一群朋友去体验现场的气氛。。。
Haha!! Since this is the final year i will be study at Sarawak... I joined my friends to go there... Very fantastics... Enjoyable!! But ' pocket also broken a big hole lo'
The entrances fees was quite expensive... About RM 100 person....

入场时,保安蛮严,任何书包/背包都会被要求搜查, 以确保没有利器或手枪等等!!
I was been spotchecked by the security.... They wanna to prevent any foods, drinks, guns, or those knifes into...

Playing the woodwind instruments...

Photo session with the Musician from Indonesia... They are very friendly...

我们在长屋里欣赏各国音乐家玩keyboard 乐器。。。。
This is the workshop held on the Iban House... Different countries performers were playing different keyboard instruments to us....

哇!! 好大的Heineken!! 我是“酒鬼” !!

Handicrafts from Sarawak

我在吹打气棒!! 好吃力。。。。 :-P...

哇!! 这位女士真的这样热爱音乐!! 一听到音乐,手脚就跟着音乐的律动,翩翩起舞了!!
Wow!!! This lady is enjoying herself in the rhythm of music...


Good Performances from different musicians.....

The festival end at 12.00am in the midnight!!
To me, i would prefer go for the workshop because there is a lot of instrument we could learn compare to the concert....
If i got money.... I may come again for 3 days next year!


511 日至73日,整整两个假期都没有白白的浪费掉。这两个月时间说长不长,说短不短。 在不知不觉中已经过去了。。。没有把这两个月大学假期白白浪费,比以前的假期过得非常有意义。。。 哈哈!!:-} 至少,我是在学习不同的知识,不同的技巧,不同做人处事态度,而是沉迷在毫无目的的出街逛逛,看戏,见见旧朋友等等。。。

我在这时被大学安排到家乡(槟城)的闻名大马学府 ( 理工大学)进行工业实习 。。 [ 其实,大学院方会帮我们寻找一系列的公司名单,让我们到那里去进行实习。 如果我们对院方所找到公司不感兴趣,也可以选择自己所理想的公司] 寻找一间适合及属于自己的专修科的公司是非常非常的重要 因为它对你的未来真的很有帮助(如何去做你的FYP)。你们可以选择到政府机构如 Forensic Department, Forestry Center, Fisheries Center, Pusat Darah 实验所(Research Center, 医院,大专,或是私人机构 如: Path Lab, Stem cell company等等进行你们的工业实习。

在对的公司进行实习可以帮助提升你的实验里的技巧,应变能力,学习能力,及一些上司下属的沟通能力。。这些技巧,也许在课业上,你们是没有机会去接触到的。。。 就打个比如, 一些基本生物科技生该有的技巧如 Aseptic Technique, Pipetting Skills, Gel loading, Agarose gel preparing, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR),机器的功能 等等都是在课堂上读到的THEORY 但是没有机会进行practical。。。 虽然,有时会有Lab Session, 但是, coursemate 如此的多,时间有限,根本没有机会让你接触到那些器材。。 有时一些准备工作都已经由Lab Assistant 准备好了。。。


我是在理大一位教授(Dr Alexander Chong)的实验室里向Master Students 学习。。这位教授的Field of Specification 是在 Aquatic。所以他的很多Research 都是跟鱼有关。他专研究zebrafish, ikan keli ikan haruan. 出过很多很多的书及publications, 也得了很多奖 我被这位教授的才华感染了,我佩服他如此年轻就有了如此高的荣誉, 我要向他看齐,希望将来也会向他这样有如此大的成就。。。当时, 我被安排跟一位UNIMAS 毕业的Master Student 学习。 这为Master Student 所研究的是Gene Expression on Zebrafish Using Hybridization Technique. (如果在行,应该明白是怎么样的一种研究)。我从他的身上学到了不少的技巧及知识。。。

初次报道, 他先向我介绍及讲解实验室里的不同器材及运作,如Thermal cycler machine, gel electrophoresis, spectrophotometer, fume hood, laminar hood, microcentrifuge machine, microscope, oven, hybridization oven 等等一些基本的措施。。。 在这两个月里, 他也教我们如何prepare agarose gel, load gel, run gel, 运用pipette 的技巧, aseptic technique等等。。 千万别小看这些基本知识, 做起来可不简单, 当中还有它的‘秘方’。。 掌握不好这些技巧或不够熟练, 可能会造成你得不到很好的实验的成果。当然,除了这些知识,我还得到了一些来自不同Master students 所分享的一些经验及劝告。。。 除此之外,也认识到一些新朋友, 真的投缘的是,我既然在那里遇到了一些失去联络的旧同学。。。 (哈哈!! 这个世界真的如此的微小, 辗转几圈之后又重逢!!) 非常非常怀念在那里的时光。。。非常享受在那里实习的日子。。。 也非常想念我跟那群Master Students 疯狂的时候。。。

记得有一次,我跟三个Master studentsFish House 帮鱼交配后,无聊到跑到附近的大沟渠里捉泥鳅。。。 在烈日下,我们真是太疯狂了, 一个负责引秀泥鳅到另一段的沟渠,就那里我跟另外一个Master student 在那里站岗,他负责捉,我负责守。。。 在我们三个人齐心协力下,成功捕捉到两条相当大泥鳅,大约有50cm 长吧!! 不错的收获!!让我深深感受乡间小孩童年时的喜悦!! 也让我回味我童年的时光!!

另外,理大的实验室虽然没有砂大的实验室来得漂亮,拥有很大的活动空间, 但是麻雀虽小,五藏齐全!! 拥有尽有!! 砂大远远不及理大。。。 不愧是研究型大专!!实验室里的东西多到恐怖,有些冰橱都被逼放到实验室外的走廊里。。。 每位Master Students 都没有自己的私人空间,私人座位或坐标,都是流动式的!!

好了,最后, 我想忠告所有我的学弟学妹们, 好好选择你们所理想公司,在工业实习时,不停的向人家请教,谦虚诚恳的态度去学习,或许,有些时候你已经懂了,但是并代表你已经掌握了,熟练了!! 还有,经验告诉我,身为一位研究生,头脑必须清晰,了解你的实验的目的,需求,及程序!!一步一步有程序的安排你的实验工作。。。不要自乱阵脚。。要不断的提升自己,在大学三年所学是微不足道的,科技不断的更新,社会发展迅速,还有很多很多知识,大学教授是无法传授给大家的!

另外,也许在这时候,你们 可以认真的考虑你们未来方向,想继续实验工作或从事商业!!当然,实验会给有些来说是件烦闷,枯燥的事情,肯定也不能向生意人这样赚取很多很多钱!!

如果想要继续做实验,可以选择了专读硕士,及博士学位,出来可以在大学当任教授或到私人公司去当位科学家。。。 或是,你也可以从事一些商业的活动,如做sales – 推销一些实验室必用品,化学药物,器材等等!!希望你们得到宝贵的经验!!

祝: 新学年,新的开始!!:-}

好好规划你们的大学生活吧 :-} :-}

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Farewell Party

Till the end of our internship, all the lab member is organized an farewell party for all of us...
Actually, this is also a farewell party for one of the international students, Mr Abdullah who have just pass his viva.
It is very enjoyable... All of them are so generous, offer themself by preparing delicious food...

All these delicious food are prepared by Mr Abdullah wife.... It is very tasty!! He told us that these are the food from his hometown (Yemen). Although some look similar to our food here, but when u taste it, it is totally different. Different taste, Different name and Different ingredient.

4 of us are internship students ( Swee Cheng- USM, Patrick-UMT, Ban Leng- UPM and me -UNIMAS)

Miss Pringles Queen

Friday, July 10, 2009

他们都疯了.... 不是人哦

他们都疯了。。。。 不是人哦!! 哈哈!!

我在工业实习期间 (Latihan Industri), 认识到一群很‘疯’ 的Master Students....

他们也许是吃到没有什么东西吃了, 所以一时心血来潮跑到我们Fish House 附近的沟渠捉泥鳅。。。 哈哈!! 我也跟他们一起疯!!

非常不错的一个经验 及回忆..... 好像我们童年在乡间嬉戏的时光!! 很久很久已经没有这样疯了。。。

这是我们的收获!!一共捉到了2 只。。。 好大的泥鳅 (Ikan Keli)...




元凶就是他!!还一副很得意的样子... 几衰咯!

那只泥鳅 就这样的成为了桌上的美食...