Tuesday, March 10, 2009

睡美人Sleeping Beauty


Tuesday(3/3/2009), while we are attending the Scientific Communication class... This lesson was taught by 1 of our lecture...

我看到我的一位朋友尽然在课堂上睡觉, 而且还是睡到很熟。。。。
I saw 1 of my friend was sleeping while lecturer was given lectures on the hall....

不知道昨天晚上做了什么。。。哈哈。。。 一定是去‘偷鸡’,所以睡眠才不够。。 这一幕就这么巧给我捉到正着。。。

Don know what have he/she doing the previous night..... hahaha.....

其实,早在上个礼拜开始,我们实在是很忙,忙到连睡觉的时间都没有。。。 太多太多的Assignment 及考试。。。 所以呢,我的这个朋友实在是顶不过睡神的诱惑,就盛这个讲师不注意时,这样的一溜,就睡到桌底里去了。。。。

Actually, starting from last week, we are extremely busy until no time for us to sleep... Our sleeping time become lesser and exhausted.... As a results, he/she fell asleep in the class as the class is also too boring.....

1 comment:

Rublyee said...

hahaha.. cha dao.. who is tat. but tat lecturer really is very boring d la...